2009 BCEQ Calendar is printing now, place your order

November 25th, 2008 Posted in Front Page News, Photo

The calendars are beautiful, and if you want one (or more), let us know so make enough for everyone.  The cost is $10 and that includes a membership.  If you give the calendar as a gift, sign the person up for our newsletter and other things BCEQ.

To place an order, email bceq@bceq.org

Distribution will be at the Holiday Party.

If you can not make the party and want the calendar(s) mailed, you will have to pay the standard mail charge, TBA.

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  1. 3 Responses to “2009 BCEQ Calendar is printing now, place your order”

  2. By Joyce on Dec 3, 2008

    I will need 2 calendars

  3. By KA on Dec 10, 2008

    it includes alternate side of the street parking suspension dates

  4. By Environmental Printer on Dec 13, 2008

    At $10 a calendar you really can’t pass it up. I buy one of these calendars every year and I am constantly surprised at how beautiful they end up being.

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