Archive for the ‘Protect Bronx Neighborhoods from Overdevelopment’ Category

2024-07-22_BCEQ-Comments_ Zoning-Housing-Opportunity-DEIS

Sunday, July 21st, 2024 Posted in climate changge, Climate Emergency, Front Page News, Protect Bronx Neighborhoods from Overdevelopment, Water Committee | Comments Off on 2024-07-22_BCEQ-Comments_ Zoning-Housing-Opportunity-DEIS

These are comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (CEQR NO. 24DCP033Y) for the proposal called the New York City (NYC) of Yes for Housing Opportunity or formally as the “Proposed Action,” aka Zoning for Housing Opportunity (ZHO). “The NYC ...


Friday, May 24th, 2024 Posted in Environmental Justice Issues, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Protect Bronx Neighborhoods from Overdevelopment | Comments Off on 2024-05-24_BCEQ-EIS-Blog

Comments submitted to Bronx Community Board 8 Special City of Yes Housing Committee - YouTube Comments prepared by Karen Argenti City of Yes for Housing Makes No Sense 052324 Supplement to the above BCEQ 05242024 CB8 supplement Zoning Explanation prepared by Paul Graziano ...


Friday, April 12th, 2024 Posted in Front Page News, Low Impact Development, Mott Haven, Project Green, Protect Bronx Neighborhoods from Overdevelopment, sustainable parks, Tibbetts Brook Daylighting | Comments Off on 2024-04-24_BCEQ_Conference_Annual-Meeting

You are invited to the 23nd Annual Water Conference & 54th Annual Membership Meeting Of the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality in celebration of Earth Day Week on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 from 3 pm to 7 pm at Manhattan College Kelly Student Center Room 5.02 3900 Waldo Avenue at ...


Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 Posted in climate changge, Climate Emergency, Environmental Reviews, Protect Bronx Neighborhoods from Overdevelopment | Comments Off on 2024-03-19_Housing-Environment

Welcome to the back page for Housing and Environmental Data concerning housing.   Prior to each document link, there is an excerpt followed by the link Quality Housing Program change in 1987 - NYC CPC Report and Vote including the text change The Department ...