Archive for the ‘Front Page News’ Category

2024-07-22_BCEQ-Comments_ Zoning-Housing-Opportunity-DEIS

Sunday, July 21st, 2024 Posted in climate changge, Climate Emergency, Front Page News, Protect Bronx Neighborhoods from Overdevelopment, Water Committee | No Comments »

These are comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (CEQR NO. 24DCP033Y) for the proposal called the New York City (NYC) of Yes for Housing Opportunity or formally as the “Proposed Action,” aka Zoning for Housing Opportunity (ZHO). “The NYC ...


Thursday, June 27th, 2024 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Water Committee | No Comments »

Here is the Link to the report and it is also uploaded to the portalBCEQ Environmental Impact Statement Analysis 062024 FINAL BRONX COUNCIL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYZoning for Housing Opportunity (ZHO)*DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (CEQR NO. 24DCP033Y & ULURP Number: N240290ZRY) *Zoning for ...

Zoning for Housing Opportunity or City of Yes Testimony

Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 Posted in City of Yes, Front Page News | 3 Comments »

Thank you for all who sent a brief email to our Borough President.   The time has passed. Background info and Community Comments COY Housing Opportunity–Short Responses to 15 Proposals 061924 (created by Paul Graziano) Testimony by others 2024-06-17_BCEQ-Testimony_BP-Gibson-Public-Hearing-Housing-Opportunity (created by Karen Argenti) Public Hearing 6.17.24-BP ...


Friday, May 24th, 2024 Posted in Environmental Justice Issues, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Protect Bronx Neighborhoods from Overdevelopment | Comments Off on 2024-05-24_BCEQ-EIS-Blog

Comments submitted to Bronx Community Board 8 Special City of Yes Housing Committee - YouTube Comments prepared by Karen Argenti City of Yes for Housing Makes No Sense 052324 Supplement to the above BCEQ 05242024 CB8 supplement Zoning Explanation prepared by Paul Graziano ...

Van Cortlandt Park Alliance “Cultivating the Bronx” Award May 16, 2024

Monday, May 20th, 2024 Posted in Front Page News, President's Blog, Putnam Rail Trail, Tibbetts Brook Daylighting, Van Cortlandt Park | Comments Off on Van Cortlandt Park Alliance “Cultivating the Bronx” Award May 16, 2024

President's Blog Van Cortlandt Park Alliance’s “Cultivating the Bronx” award and the Tibbetts Daylighting Project honor what BCEQ set out to do. In 1971, a group of Bronx environmentalists, inspired by Earth Day and the Clean Water Act, made an outrageous ...

Environmental Education Awards Open For Nominations & Awardee Update

Friday, May 10th, 2024 Posted in BCEQ Events, Education, Educational Environmentalists, Front Page News | Comments Off on Environmental Education Awards Open For Nominations & Awardee Update

BCEQ EDUCATION COMMITTEE Announces that the 2024 Environmental Education Awards are open for Nominations.The form must be emailed or faxed before May 10 at 3 pm Click EEA Nomination Form 2023-05-05 for the form There are three categories. Each form is for ...


Friday, April 12th, 2024 Posted in Front Page News, Low Impact Development, Mott Haven, Project Green, Protect Bronx Neighborhoods from Overdevelopment, sustainable parks, Tibbetts Brook Daylighting | Comments Off on 2024-04-24_BCEQ_Conference_Annual-Meeting

You are invited to the 23nd Annual Water Conference & 54th Annual Membership Meeting Of the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality in celebration of Earth Day Week on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 from 3 pm to 7 pm at Manhattan College Kelly Student Center Room 5.02 3900 Waldo Avenue at ...

Protect Bronx Neighborhoods from Overdevelpment

Saturday, February 10th, 2024 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Project Green, Resiliency and Sustainability | Comments Off on Protect Bronx Neighborhoods from Overdevelpment

BCEQ asks City to Pause City of Yes in Climate Emergency until it identifies a carbon baseline

Saturday, December 16th, 2023 Posted in Board Meetings, Climate Emergency, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Green Infrastructure, Low Impact Development, Project Green, Resiliency and Sustainability, Water Committee | Comments Off on BCEQ asks City to Pause City of Yes in Climate Emergency until it identifies a carbon baseline

BCEQ POSITION ON THE CITY OF YESIn recent years we have experienced more frequent and increased rain events, or the new normal, with catastrophic flooding as a result. It is not an accident of nature; it is caused by humans. ...

2023-11-06_City of Yes for Housing GDEIS Scope Comments

Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure | Comments Off on 2023-11-06_City of Yes for Housing GDEIS Scope Comments

This is in reference to the Draft Scope of Work, Environmental Assessment Statement, Positive Declaration and Scoping Protocol, City of Yes for Housing Opportunity -- CEQR No. 24DCP033Y. Kindly accept the attached comments and cover letter on behalf of the ...

October 22 Harlem River Canoeing rain date

Friday, October 20th, 2023 Posted in Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group | Comments Off on October 22 Harlem River Canoeing rain date



Saturday, October 14th, 2023 Posted in Communications Work, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Parks Committee, Permits Comments and locations, Project Green, Resiliency and Sustainability, Tibbetts Brook Daylighting, Water Committee | Comments Off on 2023-10-14_Manage-Climate-Change_Fund-GI

BCEQ's Statement to the Joint Committees on Environmental Protection, Resiliency & Waterfronts, and on Parks and Recreation Hearing on October 11, 2023 Anyone serious about managing Climate Change would increase the DEP, DPR and DOT Budget for Green Infrastructure (GI). Climate ...


Sunday, October 1st, 2023 Posted in Communications Work, Front Page News, Parks Committee | Comments Off on 2023-10-11_BCEQ_Mini-Conference_Fall


Connections for the Harlem River Greenway

Monday, September 4th, 2023 Posted in Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Harlem River Working Group, In the News, Maps, Resiliency and Sustainability, Tibbetts Brook Daylighting | Comments Off on Connections for the Harlem River Greenway


Coalition to Protect Parks: Just Say No to Cricket Stadium

Saturday, August 19th, 2023 Posted in Committees, Communications Committee Work, Front Page News, Parks Committee, Permits, Permits Comments and locations, Press, Speak Up | Comments Off on Coalition to Protect Parks: Just Say No to Cricket Stadium

Coalition to Protect Parks: Just Say No to Cricket Stadium Open Letter to New York City and State Officials and the International Cricket Council is located CLICK HEREPlease accept this letter and the attachments herein, including 1. Open Letter2. 29 Groups ...

July 15 Connecting Communities for City of Water Day

Saturday, July 8th, 2023 Posted in Calendared Items, climate changge, Committees, Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Newsletters, sustainable parks, Water Committee | Comments Off on July 15 Connecting Communities for City of Water Day

Press Release - #CityofWaterDay!    Harlem River Groups Celebrate City Of Water Day Saturday, July 15 Help create a more sustainable City and celebrate the Harlem River with us! July 15 Press Release for City of Water Day in Harlem River Parks 071123 For ...


Sunday, June 11th, 2023 Posted in Calendared Items, Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Harlem River Yards Park Greenway, Low Impact Development, Mott Haven, Permits, Permits Comments and locations, Power Plan | Comments Off on 2023-06-26_Draft-Title-V-Air-Permit_HRY-Plant_NYPA_Legislative-Hearing

  -------------------------   Harlem River Yard Draft Air Permit Renewal Hearing Scheduled: Monday, June 26, 2023 at 2 pm and at 6:30 pm If you wish to speak at this virtual hearing, first, you need this: Registering to Comment on the NYPA HRY Permit Hearing 061223 The ...

2023 Environmental Education Awards Open For Nominations

Friday, May 5th, 2023 Posted in Board Meetings, Education, Educational Environmentalists, Front Page News | Comments Off on 2023 Environmental Education Awards Open For Nominations

BCEQ EDUCATION COMMITTEE Announces that the 2023 Environmental Education Awards are open for Nominations.The form must be emailed or faxed before May 10 at 3 pmClick EEA Nomination Form 2023-05-05 for the formThere are three categories. Each form is for ...

NOAA Learn from past weather

Wednesday, April 5th, 2023 Posted in Board Meetings, ByLaws, climate changge, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Greenway, In the News, Membership Committee, Parks Committee, Water Committee | Comments Off on NOAA Learn from past weather

We had a Special Guest Speaker Nelson Vaz, a local NOAA Meteorologist, to discuss what we can learn from past Weather events.  Check out this Bronx Council for Environmental Quality Presentation_final (high-res) of the presentation made at our Annual Meeting.  It ...

BCEQ Comments to the Army Corp Coastal Storm Study

Wednesday, March 29th, 2023 Posted in climate changge, Committees, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Water Committee | Comments Off on BCEQ Comments to the Army Corp Coastal Storm Study

   In summary, we urge first steps to utilize EWN and GI to assess and identify problem areas. Then and only then, use the gates as a last resort. We believe this can cause leaders to accept what the future holds, ...