Greenversations: What do you do with unused OTC or prescription drugs?

December 14th, 2008 Posted in Front Page News, Project Green

News brief: Blog Question Of The Week: What do you do with unused over-the-counter or prescription drugs?

What do you do with unused over-the-counter or prescription drugs?
Drugs and pharmaceutical products include powerful chemicals that have saved or improved countless lives.  But even small amounts of drugs need to be disposed of carefully so they don’t pollute the environment or harm human health and wildlife.  In early 2007 the government set guidelines for proper disposal of prescription drugs:

¿Qué hace con medicamentos que no ha usado sean recetados por el médico o aquellos que ha obtenido sin receta médica?
Los medicamentos o productos farmacéuticos contienen poderosas sustancias químicas que salvan o mejoran numerosas vidas. Sin embargo, aún las cantidades de medicamentos más pequeñas tienen que ser desechadas cuidadosamente para no contaminar el medio ambiente ni perjudicar la salud humana o la vida silvestre. A principios del 2007, el gobierno estableció normas para desechar adecuadamente los mediocamentos recetados.

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  1. 2 Responses to “Greenversations: What do you do with unused OTC or prescription drugs?”

  2. By Jane on Jan 5, 2009

    I do not have any answers, but I disagree with the White House Policy. If drugs are flushed down the toilet, eventually some of it makes it way into streams and waterways. Any amount, even a small amount can be toxic to the environment and just think what thousands of “small amounts” add up to.

  3. By karen on Jan 5, 2009

    You know, I was thinking the same thing, but then thought the drugs they suggested flushing were somehow more dissoluble. Good Point! We should check it out.

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