BCEQ 04-11-13 Resolution letter on BxCB10 Traffic Management Plan
April 20th, 2013 Posted in Board Meetings, Educational Environmentalists, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Water CommitteeAt the Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Board of Directors meeting of the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality, we reviewed the presentation titled: “Bronx Community Board 10 Traffic Management Plan: Interim Progress Report” developed by the Fund for the City of New York1 by the Columbia University Graduate Planning Fellow Francesca Camillo (francesca.camillo@gmail.com). Borough President Ruben Diaz was instrumental in urging this study to prepare adequate pedestrian safety for future major commercial projects, including the Macy’s Mall at Co-op, the Target and other large retail developments along Brush Avenue, and the Golf Course at Ferry Point Park. The BCEQ Board unanimously approved a motion to support the mission and suggestions in the report and we write to urge your support as well.
Here is a copy of the letter: BCEQ letter supporting the Traffic Safey Plan for CB 10 041513 a
Here is a copy of the presentation: 2.19.2013-Interim-BX _CB10_meeting (1)
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