Climate Central: Hurricane Sandy’s Untold Filthy Legacy: Sewage

June 5th, 2013 Posted in East Bronx Coastal Working Group, Front Page News, In the News, Water Committee

Hurricane Sandy was one of the largest storms to hit the northeast U.S. in recorded history, killing 159, knocking out power to millions, and causing $70 billion in damage in eight states. Sandy also put the vulnerability of critical infrastructure in stark relief by paralyzing subways, trains, road and air traffic, flooding hospitals, crippling electrical substations, and shutting down power and water to tens of millions of people. But one of the larger infrastructure failures is less appreciated: sewage overflow.

Read the full story HERE

Read the report HERE
“The Hunts Point Wastewater Treatment Plant
in the Bronx was forced to bypass untreated
sewage through its gates to prevent the
flow from flooding the plant. Hunts Point
discharged 153.8 million gallons of untreated,
diluted sewage into the East River.”

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