NYC DEP DPR Tibbetts Advisory Group
May 1st, 2022 Posted in Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Harlem River Long Term Control Plan, Newsletters, Putnam Rail Trail, Tibbetts Brook Daylighting, Van Cortlandt Park, Water CommitteeThe Daylighting of Tibbetts Brook along the Putnam Greenway is finally moving forward. New York City Departments of Environmental Projection and of Parks and Recreation are working together on the details. The agencies created the Tibbetts Advisory Group for stakeholders to join and to date, we have had two virtual meetings and one field trip. After almost thirty years, the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality, and the Coalition for Daylighting Tibbetts Brook are thankful that a wide span of the interested public is invited to review the final project scope and design.
2022 March 10 at 5:30 pm – DEP and NYC Parks virtual kick-off meeting. Attendees learn about plans for the Tibbetts Brook daylighting project, be introduced to the teams who are spearheading it, and will be given an overview of the public engagement schedule.
2022 April 17 at 5:30 pm – DEP and Parks virtual review of the Tibbetts Brook Daylighting Conceptual Plan, discussing designs, key locations and access points, and an upcoming site tour. Here is a recording of the Tibbett’s Advisory Group public presentation held on April 19.
2022 April 19 at 9 am – DEP and Parks in person tour of key locations along the Tibbetts Brook Daylighting Project.
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