Zoning for Housing Opportunity or City of Yes Testimony

June 19th, 2024 Posted in City of Yes, Front Page News

Thank you for all who sent a brief email to our Borough President.   The time has passed.

Background info and Community Comments

COY Housing Opportunity–Short Responses to 15 Proposals 061924 (created by Paul Graziano)

Testimony by others

Draft Environmental Impact Statement Comments


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  1. 3 Responses to “Zoning for Housing Opportunity or City of Yes Testimony”

  2. By Laroche on Jun 20, 2024

    Dear Borough President Vanessa Gibson,

    Thank you for holding the public meeting on the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity.

    Please, I urge you to vote NO.

    We cannot advocate for our environment and at the same time do away with what we pride ourselves with. Leave our trees, greenway, our communities without congestion and high rises RESPECT our rights too, fight for OUR rights.
    Leave our natural resources that are present, leave our fruit trees alone so our community, our children can access and enjoy. Leave alone the balance of residential, commercial, park, church areas as marked.

    Side note, if you chop a fruit tree replace it with a fruit tree! Tree replacement should mirror what you took out, not what “someone thinks as a quick fix”.
    More often than not developers do not reside in the neighborhood they are “developing”, respect our wishes!

    Thank you
    Mrs. Laroche

  3. By joanne brown on Jun 20, 2024

    I urge you to vote no on the city of yes proposition. This entire idea is terrible and will cause undo financial harm to my family and our lovely community.
    Vote No please

  4. By Rita Supple on Jun 21, 2024

    Please vote NO.

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