Archive for the ‘Water Committee’ Category

NYC DEP Minor Modification to the Croton Water Treatment Plant Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement of June 2004

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 Posted in CWTP, Environmental Reviews, Projects, Water Committee | Comments Off on NYC DEP Minor Modification to the Croton Water Treatment Plant Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement of June 2004

Below please find the New York City Department of Environmental Proteciton Minor Modification to the Croton Water Treatment Plant Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement of June 2004 Notice dated May 1, 2009 minor_modification_notice Minor Modification dated April 30, 2009 minor_modification

Photos of the 2009 Water Conference and meetings

Thursday, March 19th, 2009 Posted in BCEQ Events, Membership Committee, Water Committee | Comments Off on Photos of the 2009 Water Conference and meetings

This is just a quick upload, there will be identifications and more info later.  To see the photos, choose slide show after you click here to open a new window Let us know what you think and if you have more ...

BCEQ Water Committee: Harlem River Working Group minutes and things

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009 Posted in Committees, Water Committee | 1 Comment »

The next meeting of the Water Committee is on March 5 at 4 pm at 3840 Corlear Avenue, Room 203.  Documents can be accessed on this web page. Minutes: february-19-meeting-of-the-water-committee and february-5-first-meeting-of-the-water-committee Breakout Worksheet  breakout-group-outline031109 Tasks and Responsibilities  table-of-tasks Prior Conference Summaries: 2007 summary-of-6th-annual-bceq-water-conference ...

8th Annual Water Conference & Membership Meeting Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Saturday, February 21st, 2009 Posted in Committees, Front Page News, Water Committee | 1 Comment »

Bronx Council for Environmental Quality 8th Annual Water Conference & Membership Meeting Wednesday, March 18, 2009 3:30pm to 7pm Manhattan College, Leo Engineering Building 3825 Corlear Avenue @ W238th Street Bronx, NY (#1 train or Bx9 to W238th Street) This year’s conference will ...


Friday, February 20th, 2009 Posted in Committees, Front Page News, Member's Blog, Project Green, Water Committee | Comments Off on GREEN ROOFS – BEAUTIFUL AND INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO STORM WATER RUNOFF

I signed up for a two hour discussion of Green Roofs conducted by the EPA. We had about 1000 people online and here are some good links and contacts.  There is a great video worth while watching –  Reduce Runoff: ...