ALERT: Community Groups — Harlem River needs letter of support

July 9th, 2009 Posted in Front Page News, Harlem River BOA, Harlem River Working Group, Projects, Water Committee


We request your help in the form of a letter of support to the National Park Service to enable a group of interested parties to request funding and staff support for a Harlem River Working Group in the Bronx.


1. On your organizations letterhead, address letter to

National Park Service

River Trails and Conservation Assistance Program

1849 C Street, NW Code 2220

Washington, DC 20240

2. Send us the letter DO NOT MAIL as it has to be part of the packet.

3. Send letter to OR call us to pick up the letter

4. Start by describing your organization and mission. State if you are a 501c3, etc. Describe your catchment area in the Bronx, what type of services you provide, and who your target population is.

5. Take two or three items from the 3 pager and state that is the reason for your support.

6. Community partners should Identify how they will be actively and substantively involved in the project. Describe the existing or anticipated role and contribution of each. Support letters from project partners detailing the nature of their intended involvement are strongly encouraged.

7. Express your interest in remaining informed of the HRWG activities and describe them.

8. See Format below

National Park Service

River, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program

1849 C Street, NW Code 2220

Washington, DC 20240

Dear xxx,

We are the xxx organization, a 501c3 or 4 or other, located in the Bronx, NY. Our main mission is to xxxx and xxxx for the following areas of the Bronx, located near the Harlem River. We provide the following services to youth, seniors or schools, etc.

We support the application of the HRWG to organize activities for the entire Bronx and to restore the river. If successful we would encourage our members to join and/or walk along the Harlem River.

The need for a person like Jerry Willis, New York Director of River, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program, as well as someone dedicated to working on Harlem River issues, especially given the wide range of projects that are ready to go, is essential.

Blah blah blah

We have asked to be placed on the mailing list of the group so we can participate in any and all activities to open up the waterfront to our constituency.




Letter with attachments that include instructions and bullet points — hrwgsupportrequest

Draft Application to the NPS — harlemriver09npsgrant_071009draft

Other Parts to the Application:

List of Harlem River Working Group participants  participants-hrwg

Designating parts of the shore line for acquisition under the HEP: harlem-river-access-2007-ppt.pdf

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