3.8.2019 Council Parks Budget Hearing Testimony

March 12th, 2019 Posted in Front Page News, NYC Parks Department, Projects, sustainable parks

Our Board Members testified at the Hearing.  We thank Council Member Andrew Cohen and Chair of the Committe Coucil Member Barry Grodenchik.

Robert Fanuzzi:  Robert Fanuzzi NYC City Council Parks Committee Testimony

“New York City has a government because it owns, operates, and acquires parkland. Don’t let our government shrink or shirk this core function. Do everything you can to stay in the capital and parkland acquisition business. In an era of “Open Space” requirements and so called “win-win” trade-offs, smart capital funding and policy is needed more than ever.”

Christina Taylor:  https://vancortlandt.org/play-fair-for-nyc-parks/

“We all know that NYC Parks is underfunded.  They have been for many many years and this needs to change.  There is not enough personnel and working equipment to properly maintain our parks at a level that our park users deserve.  For example, in the Bronx our vehicles such as garbage packers and lawn mowers spend about as much time in the repair shop as they do out in the parks.  When our comfort stations breakdown we have to wait for one of 4 Bronx plumbers to have time to fix it.  This has resulted in our main comfort station for Cross Country Races being closed during major events.”

Karen Argenti: Argenti BCEQ Comments on the Preliminary Budget 2020

“You are trying to balance your checking account, but the roof is falling down. Management by budget is the most effective and transparent method to running government. The Mayor makes the budget, you should judge did he do the right thing.”

Report Card from Speak Up where 31 people from all around the Bronx marked the Mayor as FAILED in each category.  Three others made comments noted below:

R E P O R T C A R D FY2019-20 v3

Report Card Findings 2.28.19

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