Jerome Park Reservoir gets its voice

February 15th, 2020 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Jerome Park Reservoir, Projects

This article explains it all.  It has the letter, the power point presentation and the press release.

SHPO Changes Course, Roadblocks DEP Reservoir Plans

History of the JPR area (draft)

The community that developed on the ridge around the Jerome Park Reservoir and Van Cortlandt Park should be thankful for the early pioneers who found a grand vision on the land we call home. Looking at an old map, one could only imagine what it looked like, how the landscaped developed, and other things for the interested mind. In what could only be describe as the growth of the conservationist environmentalist era, two men, John B. Jervis (1775-1885) and Frederick L. Olmstead (1822-1903), had a great influence on development in the country, state, and city. For our area, their foresight and talent had no bounds. But it took fifty years of planning and building.  read more here:  Engineering Paradise the History of the Jerome Park Reservoir


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