What is WRONG with this Project?

June 9th, 2018 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Hudson River Watershed Projects, Projects

BCEQ offers Best Practices for City and Private Projects that Impact the Environment

What’s WRONG with this Project?

Five Points are Missing from the new proposal at the

Hebrew Home for the Aged in Riverdale (HHAR)!!

  1. Complete Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)[1] process examining reasonable alternatives, preservation easements, and impacts such as natural resources, height and transportation, that were not adequately reviewed in the Environmental Assessment Statement (EAS). The fact that this residential community will overlook the Hudson River -a USEPA designated Historic American Heritage River — should require a renewed look at compliance with the Waterfront Revitalization Program (which was part of the EAS).
  2.   Presentation of the Master Plan – existing and 20 years out
  3. Stormwater Management Plan (SMP), Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) pre, during and post construction.
  4.   Monitoring Agreement for a Bronx Community Board 8 (CB8) and HHAR to create a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) or City Planning (CPC) Facilities Monitoring Committee (FMC) to meet at least yearly to review compliance with 1 to 3 above.  Specifically, begin the CAC to work on the EIS Scope and DEIS Comments. The applicant track record requires this (see DOB record).
  5.   Formal Agreement that any and all changes made by the Borough President (BP), CPC and City Council (CC) come to and involve CB8, and be incorporated in a restrictive covenant.

[1] An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) describes an action which may have an impact on the environment. It is a publicly available document and must include: …. analysis of environmental impacts, reasonable alternatives, and ways to reduce or avoid adverse environmental impacts. Part 617.9(5)(v) requires the draft EIS describe and evaluate “the range of reasonable alternatives to the action that are feasible, considering the objectives and capabilities of the project sponsor.”

  1. NB These are some of our general best practices for encouraging smart decision making and public participation for large ULURP projects. For more information, see the comments the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality wrote on Conditional Negative Declaration below.


BCEQ documents:

BCEQ Five Points Mission from the Proposal What Wrong with this Project HHAR 060918

BCEQ Comments on the CND and the EAS BCEQ on 18DCP134X-EAS 053018

Hebrew Home project documents:

The CND 18dcp134x-neg-dec

The EAS 16dcp028y_eas 18dcp134x-eas

The most recent KL3-#3165546-v3-Hebrew_Home_Restrictive_Declaration

The older one’sHH2001Declaration

A list of Prior Action List:

Check back for updates as we get them.

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