BCEQ Comments to the Army Corp Coastal Storm Study

March 29th, 2023 Posted in climate changge, Committees, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Water Committee


In summary, we urge first steps to utilize EWN and GI to assess and identify problem areas. Then and only then, use the gates as a last resort. We believe this can cause leaders to accept what the future holds, instead of relying on the TSP. In other words, for each and every alternative, we urge alternative analysis in the context of the Army Corps invaluable ‘Engineering with Nature’ program. Short-and long-term carbon budgets are essential to all efforts to address sea level rise, and relevant here, as well. Every structure should also be specifically evaluated in terms of its contribution to ecological productivity to the estuary, to biodiversity, and reflect any negative impacts or enhancements to the fishery. Specifically, every in-water structure needs to be graded in terms of its value as subtidal or intertidal habitat, with comparisons of alternative surfaces in terms of increasing and/or decreasing potential biota coverage, biomass, diversity, and contribution to the fishery.

Copy of our full response is BCEQ 2023 ACOE HATS Tier 1 EIS March 27


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