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Pier 5 Pop Up Wetland Monitoring and Photos — 072215

Friday, July 24th, 2015 Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Pier 5 Pop Up Wetland Monitoring and Photos — 072215

Continued Discuss of the project based on the 2015 Harlem River Pier 5_USGS Some Photos Taken two years later

HR BOA Step 2 Steering Committee #4 on 072215

Friday, July 24th, 2015 Posted in Front Page News, Harlem River BOA, Harlem River Working Group, Low Impact Development, Projects, Water Committee | Comments Off on HR BOA Step 2 Steering Committee #4 on 072215

We held HR BOA Step 2 Steering Committee #4 on July 22, 2015.  The purpose was to discuss the draft of the Step 2 Nomination Report, Stategic Sites/Connections, and selected Conceptual Designs 150722-HR BOA_Steering Committee Presentation_Final-sm 072215 Harlem River BOA—Summary of Key ...

Summer Associate through AmeriCorps VISTA – apply by 4/29/2015

Monday, April 27th, 2015 Posted in Blogs, Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Pier 5 Pop Up Wetland - first of its kind, Projects | Comments Off on Summer Associate through AmeriCorps VISTA – apply by 4/29/2015

Harlem River Working Group Summer Associate through AmeriCorps VISTA [caption id="attachment_2335" align="alignleft" width="255"] 5000 Native Plants capture pollutants[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2344" align="alignleft" width="255"] Canoeing on the Harlem River[/caption]   Job posted by: The Harlem River Working Group of Bronx Council for Environmental Quality Job description – The ...

UnBLOGlievable! Taking the Park where our Popup Wetland sits

Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 Posted in Blogs, Front Page News, Pier 5 Pop Up Wetland - first of its kind, UnBLOGlievable! | Comments Off on UnBLOGlievable! Taking the Park where our Popup Wetland sits

PROMISES, PROMISES: THE BRONX In what can only be described as the latest version of "ULURP - The Producers", the re-sale of city owned property along the Harlem River Waterfront continues, aka the 2012 Olympics Velodrome site in the Bronx.  The ...

Reports from the BCEQ 2015 Water Conference Plenary Session

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015 Posted in Communications Work, Front Page News, Harlem River BOA, Harlem River Working Group, Membership Committee, Pier 5 Pop Up Wetland - first of its kind, Water Committee | Comments Off on Reports from the BCEQ 2015 Water Conference Plenary Session

Part 1 - WATER QUALITY AND STORMWATER ON THE HARLEM RIVER & THE HIGHBRIDGE OPENING Restoring Harlem River’s water quality to swimmable and fishable- Presentation by Dr. Gemma Wang,    HR CSO GWant 2015-3-18-Wed_BCEQ Based on her article "Combined Sewer Overflows ...

Opening of the High Bridge July 25, 2015

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 Posted in Communications Work, Educational Environmentalists, Front Page News, Parks Committee, Water Committee | Comments Off on Opening of the High Bridge July 25, 2015

NYC Parks is currently planning to reopen the High Bridge on July 25th, 2015!  They are looking for the community to get involved by planning events to Celebrate the High Bridge throughout the year. You can organize an event or activity ...

Emptying the Skies, Movie Opens on Earth Day 2015

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 Posted in Calendared Items, Communications Committee Work, Educational Environmentalists, Front Page News | Comments Off on Emptying the Skies, Movie Opens on Earth Day 2015

Stormwater draining into our Rivers

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 Posted in Committees, Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Water Committee | Comments Off on Stormwater draining into our Rivers

Sometimes noted as MS4, it is the way the city handles direct storm water discharges into our Rivers. The Bronx Council for Environmental Quality commented on the amended plan, which is still not good enough. 2015 BCEQ Letter NYS DEC MS4 041015

BCEQ Harlem River Brownfield Opportunity Area Project, Step 2

Sunday, February 15th, 2015 Posted in Committees, Communications Committee Work, Front Page News, Harlem River BOA, Water Committee | Comments Off on BCEQ Harlem River Brownfield Opportunity Area Project, Step 2

The Bronx Council for Environmental Quality (BCEQ) has been working since 2006 on revitalizing and restoring the area along the Harlem River from Sputyen Duyvil to 161st Street -- later expanded to 149th Street in Step 2 in 2012. Just ...

2015 Bronx Parks Speakup on 2/28 from 11am – 5pm

Sunday, February 15th, 2015 Posted in Committees, Front Page News, Parks Committee | Comments Off on 2015 Bronx Parks Speakup on 2/28 from 11am – 5pm

2015 Annual Membership Meeting and Water Conference on 3/18 from 3-7pm

Sunday, February 15th, 2015 Posted in Committees, Communications Committee Work, Front Page News, Harlem River BOA, Membership Committee, Water Committee | Comments Off on 2015 Annual Membership Meeting and Water Conference on 3/18 from 3-7pm

The Bronx Council for Environmental Quality will hold its annual membership meeting and water conference -- Going from Step 2 to Designating a Brownfield Opportunity Area: Should BCEQ Harlem River BOA Step 2 project apply?” – on Wednesday, March 18, ...

Movie: The Great Invisible – about the Deepwater Horizon

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014 Posted in Blogs, Educational Environmentalists, Front Page News, In the News, Water Committee | Comments Off on Movie: The Great Invisible – about the Deepwater Horizon

THE GREAT INVISIBLE October 27, 2014 In this thought-provoking documentary which impressed audiences and won the Grand Jury Prize at the SXSW Film Festival, Peabody Award winning documentarian Margaret Brown (THE ORDER OF MYTHS) explores the fallout of the explosion of Deepwater ...


Wednesday, October 1st, 2014 Posted in Bronx River, Communications Committee Work, East Bronx Coastal Working Group, Harlem River BOA, Harlem River Working Group | Comments Off on CANOEMOBILE IS COMING TO THE BRONX!!!

Here are some interesting documents for site managers and volunteers. Press Release Harlem River Celebration Press ALERT100114 - Google Docs Flyers for the Schools Students Explore Bronx Waterways Flyers for the Families HR Festival and Family Day Bronx Canoe 092614 Schedule for the Schools School Schedule 2014 Letters for ...

10.08 BCEQ Mini Water Conference & BCPGS Fall Event, 6:30 pm RCSP

Thursday, September 25th, 2014 Posted in Communications Committee Work, East Bronx Coastal Working Group, Front Page News, Harlem River BOA, Harlem River Working Group, Parks Committee, Water Committee | Comments Off on 10.08 BCEQ Mini Water Conference & BCPGS Fall Event, 6:30 pm RCSP

Join the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality and the Bronx Coalition for Parks and Green Spaces for a Mini Water Conference at Roberto Clemente State Park on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm Presentations topics include: Mini Water Conference BCEQ BCEQ's Harlem River ...

Flyer of October Events

Monday, September 22nd, 2014 Posted in BCEQ Events, Calendared Items, Committees, Communications Committee Work, East Bronx Coastal Working Group, Front Page News, Harlem River BOA, Harlem River Working Group | Comments Off on Flyer of October Events

Students Explore Bronx Waterways

Pier 5 May 2014 Visit Urban Waters Federal Partners

Tuesday, August 19th, 2014 Posted in Committees, Communications Work, Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Pier 5 Pop Up Wetland - first of its kind, Projects, Water Committee | Comments Off on Pier 5 May 2014 Visit Urban Waters Federal Partners

Bronx Vision Zero Meetings in May 6 and/or May 15

Saturday, May 3rd, 2014 Posted in Front Page News | Comments Off on Bronx Vision Zero Meetings in May 6 and/or May 15

Help us make the Bronx safer - Learn about Mayor de Blasio’s Vision Zero initiative Discuss streets where you live, work, and travel Tuesday, May 6 Doors open at 6:30PM.  Last session starts at 8PM. Lehman College: Music Building (Faculty Dining Room) 250 Bedford Park Boulevard West Bedford ...

BCEQ Call for Educational Environmental Nominees – Deadline May 20

Monday, April 28th, 2014 Posted in Calendared Items, Education, Front Page News | Comments Off on BCEQ Call for Educational Environmental Nominees – Deadline May 20

Dear Bronx Educator or Environmentalist: Founded in 1971, the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality (BCEQ) has been the borough’s driving force for the preservation and improvement of parks and open spaces, watershed protection, improvements in wastewater treatment, and responsible land use, ...

2013 Regional Open Space Advisory Committee Report – NYC Region 2

Thursday, February 6th, 2014 Posted in Bronx River, Committees, East Bronx Coastal Working Group, Front Page News, Harlem River BOA, Harlem River Working Group, Harlem River Yards Park Greenway, Low Impact Development, Parks Committee, Pier 5 Pop Up Wetland - first of its kind, Yankee Stadium Redevelopment | Comments Off on 2013 Regional Open Space Advisory Committee Report – NYC Region 2

Excerpts from the draft report, there has been no hearings scheduled since June 2013.  Presented below is only the Bronx notes.  To read the full report, including the notes on the Bronx, please find the link below.  Special thanks to ...

Wed. March 19, Waterfront Planning and Design Guidelines, 3 – 7 p.m.

Friday, January 24th, 2014 Posted in Board Meetings, Communications Work, Front Page News, Newsletters, Water Committee | Comments Off on Wed. March 19, Waterfront Planning and Design Guidelines, 3 – 7 p.m.

“Bronx Waterfront Planning and Community Environmental Design Guidelines”  targeting the waterways to empower community stakeholders to protect their natural resource at the 13th BCEQ Water Conference and the 43rd BCEQ Annual Meeting Manhattan College Leo Engineering Building 3825 Corlear Avenue at 238th St. ...