Protect Bronx Neighborhoods from Overdevelpment

February 10th, 2024 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Project Green, Resiliency and Sustainability

Protect Bronx Neighborhoods from Overdevelopment Coalition

Our goal is to stop the City of Yes Mess Zoning Text Changes from going forward and destroying our residential and commercial neighborhood character

Blog:  Is there really a housing quantity crisis, or is the crisis on the housing affordability? 

Check this link for an update on comments from BCEQ on the Environmental Impact Statement

We say it is an affordability crisis. There is no affordable housing in these plans. 

See the comments from BCEQ on these. 

To join our Coalition, click on this link.

City of Yes for Economic Opportunity

City of Yes for Housing Opportunity

IN THE NEWS Bronxites City of Yes Mess

City of Yes Public Information

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