Archive for the ‘Water Committee’ Category

BCEQ Mini Conference on Harlem River Project UPDATES, Wed. October 12, 2011

Friday, October 7th, 2011 Posted in Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Projects, Water Committee | Comments Off on BCEQ Mini Conference on Harlem River Project UPDATES, Wed. October 12, 2011

Harlem River The Bronx shore of the Harlem River is experiencing lots of exciting changes! Come learn all about them and how you can get involved. WHERE: Roberto Clemente State Park Recreation Center 301 West Tremont Avenue at Mattewson Road By Train: Hudson ...

BCEQ invites you to join us at the City of Water Day at Governor’s Island on July 16.

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011 Posted in Front Page News, Projects, Water Committee | Comments Off on BCEQ invites you to join us at the City of Water Day at Governor’s Island on July 16.

Hi Friends! BCEQ will have a table at the City of Water Day event on Governor's Island on July 16. We want to offer an opportunity for other Bronx Groups to get their messages out.  So if any of you have a ...

Annual Membership & Water Conference Meeting

Thursday, March 17th, 2011 Posted in Board Meetings, Calendared Items, Front Page News, Water Committee | Comments Off on Annual Membership & Water Conference Meeting

BCEQ Water Meeting April 13, 2011 4-8 PM American Legion Post Lawrence F. Keene 2879 Buhre Ave Bronx, NY 10461 Opening Presentation 4:15 – 4:45 The Bronx –East of the Bronx River in The NYC Waterfront Plan Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance SoundView to Eastchester Bay – A Panel ...

HRWG applies for River Network Urban Waters Capacity Building Grant

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 Posted in Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Water Committee | Comments Off on HRWG applies for River Network Urban Waters Capacity Building Grant

Harlem River Working Group applies for the River Network Urban Waters Capacity Building Grant. The goal of the Urban Waters Capacity-Building Grants is to improve our nation’s impaired urban water resources – rivers, lakes, wetlands and more – and the socioeconomically challenged ...

Sensitive Receiving Waters – Designation for the Harlem and Bronx Rivers

Monday, October 4th, 2010 Posted in Bronx River, Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Projects, UnBLOGlievable!, Water Committee | Comments Off on Sensitive Receiving Waters – Designation for the Harlem and Bronx Rivers

Here are the letters exchanged between BCEQ and the DEC. DEC Commissioner Denied Appeal - BCEQ_DECCom_reject_appeal (8-3-10) Appeal to the DEC Commissioner  BCEQ_Appeal_Sensitive_Area_04192010 DEC response  - DEC_reply_to_BCEQ__Requesting_Sensitive_Area_(3-5-10) BCEQ request to designated Bronx and Harlem Rivers as Sensitive Areas -  BCEQ__Requesting_Sensitive_Area_02172010 Check out what other EPA regions ...

Sensitive Area Campaign

Monday, March 15th, 2010 Posted in Bronx River, Committees, Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Water Committee | Comments Off on Sensitive Area Campaign

BCEQ letter  BCEQ__Requesting_Sensitive_Area_02172010 Sample letter for your organization to sign Senstive Areas Organization Letterhead Petition for your and your friends to sign PETITION Sensitive Areas

Program Water Conference, March 17th

Monday, March 15th, 2010 Posted in Bronx River, Committees, Front Page News, Harlem River BOA, Harlem River Working Group, Low Impact Development, Membership Committee, Water Committee, Yankee Stadium Redevelopment | Comments Off on Program Water Conference, March 17th

PROGRAM “Examining Harlem River Water Quality: Imputs, Effects and Solutions” Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at Manhattan College, Leo Engineering Building 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm, Main Auditorium: GENERAL MEETING What is the NY-NJ Harbor Estuary Program? What is an Estuary? ...

Harlem River Conference: March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010 Posted in Calendared Items, Committees, Front Page News, Membership Committee, Water Committee | Comments Off on Harlem River Conference: March 17, 2010

The Bronx Council for Environmental Quality present the 9th Water Conference and 39th Annual Membership Meeting “Examining Harlem River Water Quality: Inputs, Effects and Solutions” Wednesday, March 17, 2010 from 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm Manhattan College, Leo Engineering Building 3825 ...

Water Committee Work

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010 Posted in Water Committee | Comments Off on Water Committee Work

AGENDA 1.  Flyer (to go in envelope to 500 people with BCEQ brochure) PDF BCEQ Flyer 2010-02-22 DOC BCEQ Flyer 2010-02-22 Newsletter Winter_2010ka FEB 4 final 2.  Agenda Draft BCEQ Agenda 2010-02-22 3.  Letter HR senstive area BCEQ Requesting Sensitive Area 02072010 , and ...

Draft Action Agenda for DEC’s Hudson River Estuary Program

Thursday, February 11th, 2010 Posted in Bronx River, Harlem River Working Group, Water Committee | Comments Off on Draft Action Agenda for DEC’s Hudson River Estuary Program The Draft Hudson River Estuary Action Agenda 2010-2014 (pdf, 2MB) is now available for public comment. Written comments on the draft may be submitted until February 22, 2010. Comments can be sent via e-mail to (please include the words ...

In the NY Times: Panel Suggests 100 Ways Buildings Can Be Greener 02/02/10

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010 Posted in Front Page News, In the News, Parks Committee, Project Green, Water Committee | 1 Comment »

By MIREYA NAVARRO Published: February 1, 2010 A panel of experts convened by the mayor and City Council issued more than 100 recommendations Monday on how to make New York City’s building codes more environmentally sound by imposing energy-saving requirements on construction ...

Annual Membership Meeting: March 17 Water Conference

Friday, January 29th, 2010 Posted in Board Meetings, Committees, Communications Committee Work, Front Page News, Water Committee | Comments Off on Annual Membership Meeting: March 17 Water Conference

The Bronx Council for Environmental Quality is pleased to invite you to the 9th Water Conference at its Annual Membership Meeting on Wednesday, March 17, 2010 from 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm at Manhattan College, Leo Engineering Building, 3825 Corlear ...

EPA Stormwater Management Regs for Federal Facilities

Wednesday, December 9th, 2009 Posted in Blogs, Front Page News, In the News, Project Green, UnBLOGlievable!, Water Committee | Comments Off on EPA Stormwater Management Regs for Federal Facilities

This is really unbelievably exciting. Just reading the fact sheet is terrific! Stormwater Management for Federal Facilities under Section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act You HAVE to download this fact sheet:

Bronx River plan to abate the combined sewer overflow consent decree

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009 Posted in Bronx River, Front Page News, Low Impact Development, Project Green, Water Committee | Comments Off on Bronx River plan to abate the combined sewer overflow consent decree

What can we say? The DEP put forth yet another stellar (not really) plan for Clean Water on the Bronx River. With excuses like, Westchester County pollutes the river; we can not use Green roofs as we have ...

DEP offers Bronx River CSO Plan, August 2009

Saturday, September 5th, 2009 Posted in Bronx River, Front Page News, UnBLOGlievable!, Water Committee | Comments Off on DEP offers Bronx River CSO Plan, August 2009

All of a sudden, after two years of waitin, the Public meeting was called for  August 19.  We get one month to comment.  Send in comments on or before September 18, 2009 to Sue McCormick, P.E. NYS DEC 625 Broadway Albany, NY  12233-3506 Here are ...

Sept. 30 – Harlem River Working Group Meeting

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009 Posted in Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Water Committee | Comments Off on Sept. 30 – Harlem River Working Group Meeting

Harlem River Working Group (HRWG) The next meeting will take place on Wed. September 30th, from 6 pm to 8 pm Community Board 7, 229A East 204th Street, btw Grand Conc. & Valentine Ave. This newly formed group, which includes over 30 member organizations, ...

Harlem River Working Group NPS Application filed

Friday, July 31st, 2009 Posted in Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Water Committee | Comments Off on Harlem River Working Group NPS Application filed

The completed application mailed to the National Park Service (NPS) requested the following help: Organizational Development – the group needs assistance in identifying new stakeholders and in determining the most efficient organizational structure for the group to carry out its work. Planning ...

ALERT: Community Groups — Harlem River needs letter of support

Thursday, July 9th, 2009 Posted in Front Page News, Harlem River BOA, Harlem River Working Group, Projects, Water Committee | Comments Off on ALERT: Community Groups — Harlem River needs letter of support

DEADLINE:  JULY 27, 2009  SEE DOCUMENTS TO DOWNLOAD BELOW We request your help in the form of a letter of support to the National Park Service to enable a group of interested parties to request funding and staff support ...

Harlem River Working Group (HRWG)

Saturday, May 9th, 2009 Posted in Committees, Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Water Committee | Comments Off on Harlem River Working Group (HRWG)

Harlem River Working Group formed at May 6th Meeting The minutes and other important documents are listed below. Please check back often on the righ hand column under PROJECTS and/or WATER COMMITTEE. BCEQ BOA Report - with maps and description of the land ...

Old research

Monday, May 4th, 2009 Posted in CWTP, Water Committee | Comments Off on Old research

licata affidavit January 2005 notice December 2003 execsumm Dec 2003 20opn Court of Appeals Feb 2001 dseis2004fjpr March 2004