Archive for the ‘Environmental Reviews’ Category

Parks Department Surrenders Pier 5 to Small Business without NYC Council Approval

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 Posted in Calendared Items, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Lower Concourse North, Parks Committee, Pier 5, Water Committee | Comments Off on Parks Department Surrenders Pier 5 to Small Business without NYC Council Approval

Parks FAQ What is a park?  A park is a place under the jurisdiction of the Parks Commissioner. Does mapped parkland define a park?  Mapped parkland does not necessarily mean the property is a park.  Pier 5 was under the supervision of ...

BCEQ Comments on the Mayor’s proposal to take Pier 5

Saturday, July 8th, 2017 Posted in Communications Work, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Harlem River BOA, Harlem River Long Term Control Plan, Harlem River Working Group, Low Impact Development, Lower Concourse North, Parks Committee, Pier 5, Pier 5 Pop Up Wetland - first of its kind, Projects, Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Water Committee | Comments Off on BCEQ Comments on the Mayor’s proposal to take Pier 5

Below find our comments and attachment. The attachment is the Freedom of Information Requests we had to make to get the truth from the administration. They really pulled it out of the hands of the people. Only one developer is interested. Using parkland ...

Parking Lots for Housing not Parks

Sunday, May 14th, 2017 Posted in Define the Issues, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Harlem River BOA, Harlem River Long Term Control Plan, Harlem River Working Group, Harlem River Yards Park Greenway, Low Impact Development, Lower Concourse North, Permits, Pier 5, Pier 5 Pop Up Wetland - first of its kind, Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Yankee Stadium Redevelopment | Comments Off on Parking Lots for Housing not Parks

At the May 10, 2017 monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality, the issues concerning the City's proposal to build housing and other mixed uses on parkland and what it means.  The Board ...

Pier 5 BCEQ Pop Up Wetland Work approved by PARKS

Sunday, May 14th, 2017 Posted in Define the Issues, Environmental Reviews, Lower Concourse North, Permits | 1 Comment »

This goes to the use of the park.  The Bronx Council for Environmental Quality applied for a grant and built this project.  We needed to get approval from Parks, the owner of the land. Here are the permits, and below is ...

New York City ways to designate Parkland

Sunday, May 14th, 2017 Posted in Communications Work, Define the Issues, Environmental Reviews | Comments Off on New York City ways to designate Parkland

New York City ways to designate Parkland NYC City Planning Commission Glossary of Terms -  Public Parkland, page 17 of 27 A public park is any publicly owned park, playground, beach, parkway, or roadway within the jurisdiction and control of the New York City Commissioner ...

Environmental Impact Statement: assess, disclose, mitigate

Saturday, May 13th, 2017 Posted in Communications Work, Define the Issues, Environmental Reviews | Comments Off on Environmental Impact Statement: assess, disclose, mitigate

Below please find a short and quick description of the Environmental Impact Statement or EIS.  The excerpt is from the Procedures and Documentation article. If the agency identifies significant adverse impacts, the lead agency must consider alternatives which, consistent with social, ...

BCEQ Leaders Meet with Speaker’s Land Use Staff on Saving Pier 5

Saturday, May 6th, 2017 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Harlem River BOA, Harlem River Long Term Control Plan, Harlem River Working Group, Harlem River Yards Park Greenway, Low Impact Development, Lower Concourse North, Pier 5, Pier 5 Pop Up Wetland - first of its kind, Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Yankee Stadium Redevelopment | Comments Off on BCEQ Leaders Meet with Speaker’s Land Use Staff on Saving Pier 5

May 3, 2017 BCEQ Leaders Meet with Speaker's Staff to Save Parkland in the BCEQ Designated Brownfield Opportunity Area Leadership of the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality, joined by leaders from NYC Parks Advocates and NYC Soil and Water Conservation District, ...

BCEQ 04-11-13 Resolution letter on BxCB10 Traffic Management Plan

Saturday, April 20th, 2013 Posted in Board Meetings, Educational Environmentalists, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Water Committee | Comments Off on BCEQ 04-11-13 Resolution letter on BxCB10 Traffic Management Plan

At the Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Board of Directors meeting of the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality, we reviewed the presentation titled: “Bronx Community Board 10 Traffic Management Plan: Interim Progress Report” developed by the Fund for the City of ...

Harlem River CB 1 – some public documents

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Harlem River Yards Park Greenway, Projects | Comments Off on Harlem River CB 1 – some public documents

Here are some documents that have been made public by the community, and not by the governmental agencies.   (1) November 17, 2011 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment prepared for FreshDirect FreshDirect Phase 1 Enviro Report for NYCIDA (2) December 15, 2011 Environmental Assessment ...

BCEQ’s Comments on Fracking, 01.11.12

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Fracking, Front Page News, Projects, Water Committee | Comments Off on BCEQ’s Comments on Fracking, 01.11.12

Here is what we submitted. DECjs_Public_Hearing_on_High-Volume_Hydraulic_Fracturing_011112

Comments on CSO and Green Infrastructure 11.18.11

Friday, November 18th, 2011 Posted in Bronx River, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Low Impact Development, Projects, Water Committee | Comments Off on Comments on CSO and Green Infrastructure 11.18.11

Here is some of what we submitted: Green Infrastructure (GI) has to be incorporated into the Long Term Control Plans in a meaning and measurablemanner. While this plan goes a long way toward that goal, there is no need for additional ...

11-9 Hearing – Green Infrastructure: NYC is the last to “Get It”

Friday, October 21st, 2011 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Project Green, Water Committee | 1 Comment »

NYSDEC & NYCDEP Reach Innovative Draft Agreement to Improve New York Harbor Water Quality Agreement Will Result In an Estimated $2.4 Billion in Green Infrastructure Over 20 Years and More Than $1.6 Billion in Gray Infrastructure Projects to Reduce CSOs Public ...

Huffington Post: Robert Kennedy on Fracking, 10-21

Friday, October 21st, 2011 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Fracking, Front Page News, Water Committee | Comments Off on Huffington Post: Robert Kennedy on Fracking, 10-21

________ The Fracking Industry's War On TheNew York Times -- And The Truth 10/20/11, Robert Kennedy, President, Waterkeeper Alliance; Professor, Pace University Superb investigative journalism by the New York Times has brought the paper under attack by the natural gas industry. That campaign of intimidation ...

Oh where oh where are our replacement parks II

Saturday, October 17th, 2009 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, UnBLOGlievable!, Yankee Stadium Redevelopment | Comments Off on Oh where oh where are our replacement parks II

Great Report by community member last August.  Still no word from the State Parks Department.  What's up with that? Garage A project inconsistencies 082309 We hear that the waterfront parks (many miles from where the people live, but across from the shopping ...

Vice Presidents Blog: Kingsbridge Armory testimony

Saturday, October 17th, 2009 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Kingsbridge Armory, Vice Presidents' Blog | Comments Off on Vice Presidents Blog: Kingsbridge Armory testimony

At its monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 14th, Bronx Council for Environmental Quality (BCEQ) considered your request to become part of the Alliance that is fighting for responsible development of the Kingsbridge Armory. We were unanimous in that, while we support ...

NYC DEP Minor Modification to the Croton Water Treatment Plant Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement of June 2004

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 Posted in CWTP, Environmental Reviews, Projects, Water Committee | Comments Off on NYC DEP Minor Modification to the Croton Water Treatment Plant Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement of June 2004

Below please find the New York City Department of Environmental Proteciton Minor Modification to the Croton Water Treatment Plant Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement of June 2004 Notice dated May 1, 2009 minor_modification_notice Minor Modification dated April 30, 2009 minor_modification

FOILing the NPS for Yankee Stadium parks replacements

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Yankee Stadium Redevelopment | 1 Comment »

Below are the documents we received based upon a FOIL request to the National Park Service (NPS).  These files are in pdf form and are many pages.  They are grouped together generally with a letter at the end -- most ...

Grass Roots Assure Environmental Promises are Kept

Saturday, September 6th, 2008 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News | Comments Off on Grass Roots Assure Environmental Promises are Kept

On September 3, we returned to court to argue that 76 days ago on June 19, 2008 - the DEP announced for the first time, that it was going to make a substantial change to the 2004 Final Supplemental Environmental ...

NYC DEP is building the CWTP in Van Cortlandt Park

Friday, September 5th, 2008 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Projects | Comments Off on NYC DEP is building the CWTP in Van Cortlandt Park

Since there is so much information on this topic, we decided to organize it by groupings. 1.  GOVERNMENT - The City of New York's Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) formed a Facilities Monitoring Committee as required by the City Council Approval ...