Archive for the ‘Tibbetts Brook Daylighting’ Category

Van Cortlandt Park Alliance “Cultivating the Bronx” Award May 16, 2024

Monday, May 20th, 2024 Posted in Front Page News, President's Blog, Putnam Rail Trail, Tibbetts Brook Daylighting, Van Cortlandt Park | Comments Off on Van Cortlandt Park Alliance “Cultivating the Bronx” Award May 16, 2024

President's Blog Van Cortlandt Park Alliance’s “Cultivating the Bronx” award and the Tibbetts Daylighting Project honor what BCEQ set out to do. In 1971, a group of Bronx environmentalists, inspired by Earth Day and the Clean Water Act, made an outrageous ...


Friday, April 12th, 2024 Posted in Front Page News, Low Impact Development, Mott Haven, Project Green, Protect Bronx Neighborhoods from Overdevelopment, sustainable parks, Tibbetts Brook Daylighting | Comments Off on 2024-04-24_BCEQ_Conference_Annual-Meeting

You are invited to the 23nd Annual Water Conference & 54th Annual Membership Meeting Of the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality in celebration of Earth Day Week on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 from 3 pm to 7 pm at Manhattan College Kelly Student Center Room 5.02 3900 Waldo Avenue at ...


Saturday, October 14th, 2023 Posted in Communications Work, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Parks Committee, Permits Comments and locations, Project Green, Resiliency and Sustainability, Tibbetts Brook Daylighting, Water Committee | Comments Off on 2023-10-14_Manage-Climate-Change_Fund-GI

BCEQ's Statement to the Joint Committees on Environmental Protection, Resiliency & Waterfronts, and on Parks and Recreation Hearing on October 11, 2023 Anyone serious about managing Climate Change would increase the DEP, DPR and DOT Budget for Green Infrastructure (GI). Climate ...

Connections for the Harlem River Greenway

Monday, September 4th, 2023 Posted in Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Harlem River Working Group, In the News, Maps, Resiliency and Sustainability, Tibbetts Brook Daylighting | Comments Off on Connections for the Harlem River Greenway


The Bronx Harlem River Greenway Finally

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023 Posted in BCEQ Events, Environmental Justice Issues, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Harlem River Working Group, Harlem River Yards Park Greenway, Low Impact Development, Lower Concourse North, mill pond park, Mott Haven, Putnam Rail Trail, Tibbetts Brook Daylighting, Van Cortlandt Park | Comments Off on The Bronx Harlem River Greenway Finally

pdf is here 20230403 Harlem River Greenway Project Flyer_Final coverage:

NYC DEP DPR Tibbetts Advisory Group

Sunday, May 1st, 2022 Posted in Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Harlem River Long Term Control Plan, Newsletters, Putnam Rail Trail, Tibbetts Brook Daylighting, Van Cortlandt Park, Water Committee | Comments Off on NYC DEP DPR Tibbetts Advisory Group

The Daylighting of Tibbetts Brook along the Putnam Greenway is finally moving forward.  New York City Departments of Environmental Projection and of Parks and Recreation are working together on the details.  The agencies created the Tibbetts Advisory Group for stakeholders ...

Watersheds and MS4 Westchester County

Wednesday, February 9th, 2022 Posted in Bronx River, ESRI Maps, Front Page News, Harlem River Long Term Control Plan, Harlem River Working Group, Projects, Tibbetts Brook Daylighting | Comments Off on Watersheds and MS4 Westchester County    

The Day Tibbetts Brook Daylighted Itself

Saturday, September 4th, 2021 Posted in climate changge, eMagazine, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Newsletters, Press, Tibbetts Brook Daylighting, Water Committee | Comments Off on The Day Tibbetts Brook Daylighted Itself

Tibbetts Brook Daylighted Itself The Bronx Council for Environmental Quality call for funding and construction of the Daylighting of Tibbetts Brook Project. While the Daylighting project is being proposed as part of the City’s Combined Sewer Overflow mitigation program, the events ...