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2008-9 Newsletters

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 Posted in Front Page News, Newsletters | Comments Off on 2008-9 Newsletters

Fall 2009 - BCEQ Focus Fall 2009 Spring 2009 -  spring_2009_0507091 Winter 2008-9 - winter_fall_2008

Eager to Learn in Pelham Parkway

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 Posted in Ask Ivy, Front Page News | Comments Off on Eager to Learn in Pelham Parkway

Dear Ivy, I am an avid reader who wants to learn more about local environmental issues and read inspirational stories that will help motivate me to get more involved.  Can you recommend some good books to help get me started? Eager to ...


Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 Posted in Committees, Communications Committee Work | Comments Off on CALL FOR 2010 CALENDAR PHOTOGRAPHS

Just in time for the celebration of 40 years for the Clean Water Act, the theme for the upcoming BCEQ 2010 Calendar/Poster will be “Bronx Water.” Possible photographs might include: rivers, ponds and lakes, water falls, storm water run-off, sprinklers and ...

Comptroller Bill Thompson Audits DEP on CWTP, September 1, 2009

Saturday, September 5th, 2009 Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Comptroller Bill Thompson Audits DEP on CWTP, September 1, 2009

Audit on the Department of Environmental Protection’s Progress in Constructing the Croton Water Treatment Plant FR08-121A9/1/2009 Department of Environmental Protection Audit Report on the Department of Environmental Protection’s Oversight of Costs to Construct the Croton Water Treatment Plant FR09-110A 9/1/2009 Department ...

DEP offers Bronx River CSO Plan, August 2009

Saturday, September 5th, 2009 Posted in Bronx River, Front Page News, UnBLOGlievable!, Water Committee | Comments Off on DEP offers Bronx River CSO Plan, August 2009

All of a sudden, after two years of waitin, the Public meeting was called for  August 19.  We get one month to comment.  Send in comments on or before September 18, 2009 to Sue McCormick, P.E. NYS DEC 625 Broadway Albany, NY  12233-3506 Here are ...

Dec. 9 Holiday Party, Yankee Tavern

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009 Posted in Calendared Items, Front Page News, Membership Committee | 1 Comment »

Join us for our Annual Holiday Party at The Yankee Tavern (corner of E161st Street & Gerard Ave) Wed. December 9th 6:30 pm Check in November for more information, cost or to R.S.V.P.

Sept. 30 – Harlem River Working Group Meeting

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009 Posted in Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Water Committee | Comments Off on Sept. 30 – Harlem River Working Group Meeting

Harlem River Working Group (HRWG) The next meeting will take place on Wed. September 30th, from 6 pm to 8 pm Community Board 7, 229A East 204th Street, btw Grand Conc. & Valentine Ave. This newly formed group, which includes over 30 member organizations, ...

Oh where oh where have our replacement parks gone?

Monday, August 31st, 2009 Posted in Front Page News, UnBLOGlievable!, Yankee Stadium Redevelopment | Comments Off on Oh where oh where have our replacement parks gone?

Well folks, they are not where they should be.  If anyone thinks we are kidding, just go see for yourself.  This is simply a theft of services.  I do not know why they are building half a garage and half ...

Harlem River Working Group NPS Application filed

Friday, July 31st, 2009 Posted in Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Water Committee | Comments Off on Harlem River Working Group NPS Application filed

The completed application mailed to the National Park Service (NPS) requested the following help: Organizational Development – the group needs assistance in identifying new stakeholders and in determining the most efficient organizational structure for the group to carry out its work. Planning ...

ALERT: Community Groups — Harlem River needs letter of support

Thursday, July 9th, 2009 Posted in Front Page News, Harlem River BOA, Harlem River Working Group, Projects, Water Committee | Comments Off on ALERT: Community Groups — Harlem River needs letter of support

DEADLINE:  JULY 27, 2009  SEE DOCUMENTS TO DOWNLOAD BELOW We request your help in the form of a letter of support to the National Park Service to enable a group of interested parties to request funding and staff support ...

In Memory of Michael Jackson – Earth Song

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009 Posted in Front Page News, Project Green | Comments Off on In Memory of Michael Jackson – Earth Song

Take a few minutes to celebrate his life, and watch this great video and song. Earth Song Thank you Michael

It’s My Park Day – all over the Bronx Saturday, May 16

Thursday, May 14th, 2009 Posted in Committees, Front Page News, Parks Committee | Comments Off on It’s My Park Day – all over the Bronx Saturday, May 16

It’s My Park Day will be happening all over the Bronx on Saturday, May 16th. Come join your fellow Bronxites as they plant flowers, paint benches, spread woodchips, play games, paint faces or just pick up trash. Sites that would ...

Harlem River Working Group (HRWG)

Saturday, May 9th, 2009 Posted in Committees, Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Water Committee | Comments Off on Harlem River Working Group (HRWG)

Harlem River Working Group formed at May 6th Meeting The minutes and other important documents are listed below. Please check back often on the righ hand column under PROJECTS and/or WATER COMMITTEE. BCEQ BOA Report - with maps and description of the land ...

Old research

Monday, May 4th, 2009 Posted in CWTP, Water Committee | Comments Off on Old research

licata affidavit January 2005 notice December 2003 execsumm Dec 2003 20opn Court of Appeals Feb 2001 dseis2004fjpr March 2004

NYC DEP Minor Modification to the Croton Water Treatment Plant Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement of June 2004

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 Posted in CWTP, Environmental Reviews, Projects, Water Committee | Comments Off on NYC DEP Minor Modification to the Croton Water Treatment Plant Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement of June 2004

Below please find the New York City Department of Environmental Proteciton Minor Modification to the Croton Water Treatment Plant Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement of June 2004 Notice dated May 1, 2009 minor_modification_notice Minor Modification dated April 30, 2009 minor_modification

Earth Day Celebration 2009

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009 Posted in Front Page News | Comments Off on Earth Day Celebration 2009

Enjoy!  Comment below if you like

BCEQ President’s Very Abbreviated Earth Seder Haggadah 2009-04-09

Thursday, April 9th, 2009 Posted in Front Page News | Comments Off on BCEQ President’s Very Abbreviated Earth Seder Haggadah 2009-04-09

BCEQ President's Very Abbreviated Earth Seder Haggadah "This passage is drawn from The Shalom Center’s Freedom Seder for The Earth. Copyright © 2009 The Shalom Center." earth_seder_009_draft

UnBLOGleivable – No Plan A ….or B……the City unprepared!

Monday, March 30th, 2009 Posted in Blogs, UnBLOGlievable!, Yankee Stadium Redevelopment | Comments Off on UnBLOGleivable – No Plan A ….or B……the City unprepared!

Read all about it, they have no plan for emergencies by the Jerome Park Reservoir. So, even though it is not related, the demolition of Yankee Stadium has been privately bid.  Who knows who got the contract, if they are vendex ...

Photos of the 2009 Water Conference and meetings

Thursday, March 19th, 2009 Posted in BCEQ Events, Membership Committee, Water Committee | Comments Off on Photos of the 2009 Water Conference and meetings

This is just a quick upload, there will be identifications and more info later.  To see the photos, choose slide show after you click here to open a new window Let us know what you think and if you have more ...

Speak up – Saturday Feb 28 from 12 – 5 pm

Wednesday, February 25th, 2009 Posted in Front Page News, Parks Committee | Comments Off on Speak up – Saturday Feb 28 from 12 – 5 pm

The 15th Annual Bronx Parks Speak Up! Parks, Environment and Politics Presentations Working with Community Boards Green Jobs Health and the Environment Workshops Grant Writing Starting Seeds Building Alliances Greening Morrisania (roundtable) Panel Discussion Politics and Parks with ...