Archive for the ‘Blogs’ Category

Environmental Education Awards

Saturday, April 28th, 2012 Posted in Board Meetings, Calendared Items, Committees, Education, Educational Environmentalists, Front Page News, In the News | Comments Off on Environmental Education Awards

BCEQ is soliciting nominations for its Annual Environmental Education Awards. The first award was initiated in 1987 by one of BCEQ’s founders, Helen C. Reel, to honor civic-minded Bronx educators who demonstrate concern for posterity through their efforts to preserve ...

BCEQ Annual Meeting on Pi Day (March 14) – Sing the song

Friday, February 24th, 2012 Posted in Board Meetings, Calendared Items, Front Page News, UnBLOGlievable! | Comments Off on BCEQ Annual Meeting on Pi Day (March 14) – Sing the song

Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week

Wednesday, April 20th, 2011 Posted in Calendared Items, Front Page News, President's Blog | Comments Off on Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week

Please read this important message from the Department of Environmental Conservation. Dear Concerned Citizen, The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a destructive invasive insect that has already killed over 50 million ash trees in neighboring states, and has now been detected in ...

Bronxites tell the News what they want from their hometown paper

Sunday, November 28th, 2010 Posted in Blogs, Communications Work, Front Page News, In the News | Comments Off on Bronxites tell the News what they want from their hometown paper

Bronxites tell the News what they want from their hometown paper Check out Karen Argenti, BCEQ Board Member's comments. Read more:

Sensitive Receiving Waters – Designation for the Harlem and Bronx Rivers

Monday, October 4th, 2010 Posted in Bronx River, Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, Projects, UnBLOGlievable!, Water Committee | Comments Off on Sensitive Receiving Waters – Designation for the Harlem and Bronx Rivers

Here are the letters exchanged between BCEQ and the DEC. DEC Commissioner Denied Appeal - BCEQ_DECCom_reject_appeal (8-3-10) Appeal to the DEC Commissioner  BCEQ_Appeal_Sensitive_Area_04192010 DEC response  - DEC_reply_to_BCEQ__Requesting_Sensitive_Area_(3-5-10) BCEQ request to designated Bronx and Harlem Rivers as Sensitive Areas -  BCEQ__Requesting_Sensitive_Area_02172010 Check out what other EPA regions ...

NYDaily News: Yankee Stadium parking stalls out after developer shows signs that it may default on bonds

Friday, September 10th, 2010 Posted in Front Page News, In the News, Yankee Stadium Redevelopment | Comments Off on NYDaily News: Yankee Stadium parking stalls out after developer shows signs that it may default on bonds

Great story! Juan Gonzalez did it sgain. The communitv was right and we can not get anyone to listen. Bittersweet, just like the Stella D'oro strike and move, the won the battle but list their jobs. This ...

Harlem River Working Group Presents a one stop guide to public programs

Monday, August 16th, 2010 Posted in Front Page News, Harlem River Working Group, In the News | Comments Off on Harlem River Working Group Presents a one stop guide to public programs

Harlem River Working Group Presents a one stop guide to public programs along the Harlem River. For more information about the events listed please contact the organization hosting the event. Harlem River Festival Sunday September 12th, 10-4 Swindler Cove Park (Dyckman street ...

BCEQ convenes community meeting with state and federal

Monday, May 10th, 2010 Posted in In the News, Yankee Stadium Redevelopment | Comments Off on BCEQ convenes community meeting with state and federal

This meeting was held on April 30, 2010. The info leading up to this meeting is on our web page at: The follow up letter is below. State_OPRHP_02162010_sitevisit ff up 05102010

Green Jobs Summit April 7 from 9am-5pm at BCC

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010 Posted in Calendared Items, Communications Committee Work, Front Page News, In the News, Project Green | Comments Off on Green Jobs Summit April 7 from 9am-5pm at BCC

Bronx Green Jobs Summit April 7th 2010 Join other local leaders to make a Blueprint for Green Jobs in the Bronx! You have been selected as a candidate to attend the Bronx Green Jobs Summit, a project of the Bronx Green Jobs ...

In the NY Times: Panel Suggests 100 Ways Buildings Can Be Greener 02/02/10

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010 Posted in Front Page News, In the News, Parks Committee, Project Green, Water Committee | 1 Comment »

By MIREYA NAVARRO Published: February 1, 2010 A panel of experts convened by the mayor and City Council issued more than 100 recommendations Monday on how to make New York City’s building codes more environmentally sound by imposing energy-saving requirements on construction ...

EPA Stormwater Management Regs for Federal Facilities

Wednesday, December 9th, 2009 Posted in Blogs, Front Page News, In the News, Project Green, UnBLOGlievable!, Water Committee | Comments Off on EPA Stormwater Management Regs for Federal Facilities

This is really unbelievably exciting. Just reading the fact sheet is terrific! Stormwater Management for Federal Facilities under Section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act You HAVE to download this fact sheet:

President’s Blog: Happy Thanksgiving 11-25-09

Thursday, November 26th, 2009 Posted in Blogs, Calendared Items, Front Page News, President's Blog | Comments Off on President’s Blog: Happy Thanksgiving 11-25-09

Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for taking the time to read my BCEQ Pres' Blog. Throughout the upcoming Season, give a thought now and again about the environmental impact of this Happy Holiday. Nanci and I went turkey shopping at Stew Leonard's in ...

In the NY Times, 11-18-09: Green Roofs and Walls

Friday, November 20th, 2009 Posted in Front Page News, In the News, Project Green, Uncategorized | Comments Off on In the NY Times, 11-18-09: Green Roofs and Walls “We have 30 miles of rooftop in New York City and maybe 3,000 miles of walls,” said Paul Mankiewicz, the executive director of the Gaia Institute in New York. “It’s basically about maximizing the productivity per square foot.”

Paul Mankiewicz on the Jon Stewart Show

Saturday, October 24th, 2009 Posted in Communications Committee Work, In the News, Vice Presidents' Blog | Comments Off on Paul Mankiewicz on the Jon Stewart Show

September 23, 2009 Our Dead Planet Aasif Mandvi interviews our BCEQ VP Dr. Paul Mankiewcz

Dropping the Ball: NY Yankee Stadium truned Parks into Parking Lots

Saturday, October 24th, 2009 Posted in In the News, Yankee Stadium Redevelopment | Comments Off on Dropping the Ball: NY Yankee Stadium truned Parks into Parking Lots

SIDEBAR Dropping the Ball How the New Yankee Stadium Turned Parks into Parking Lots By Matt Johanson When the Yankees opened their new stadium and pinstriped stars like Derek Jeter and Mariano Rivera ran onto the field for the first time, the cheers of ...

President’s Blog 10-17-2009: IC translates the Minutes

Sunday, October 18th, 2009 Posted in Blogs, President's Blog | Comments Off on President’s Blog 10-17-2009: IC translates the Minutes

Thanks for visiting my President's Blog. The Oct.14th of BCEQ Board was well-attended. There was enough Pizza & Cold Noodles to go around. VP2 Joyce Hogi baked a delicious Pumpkin Cake (almost from scratch). Because the has board voted to ...

Oh where oh where are our replacement parks II

Saturday, October 17th, 2009 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, UnBLOGlievable!, Yankee Stadium Redevelopment | Comments Off on Oh where oh where are our replacement parks II

Great Report by community member last August.  Still no word from the State Parks Department.  What's up with that? Garage A project inconsistencies 082309 We hear that the waterfront parks (many miles from where the people live, but across from the shopping ...

Vice Presidents Blog: Kingsbridge Armory testimony

Saturday, October 17th, 2009 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Kingsbridge Armory, Vice Presidents' Blog | Comments Off on Vice Presidents Blog: Kingsbridge Armory testimony

At its monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 14th, Bronx Council for Environmental Quality (BCEQ) considered your request to become part of the Alliance that is fighting for responsible development of the Kingsbridge Armory. We were unanimous in that, while we support ...

DEP offers Bronx River CSO Plan, August 2009

Saturday, September 5th, 2009 Posted in Bronx River, Front Page News, UnBLOGlievable!, Water Committee | Comments Off on DEP offers Bronx River CSO Plan, August 2009

All of a sudden, after two years of waitin, the Public meeting was called for  August 19.  We get one month to comment.  Send in comments on or before September 18, 2009 to Sue McCormick, P.E. NYS DEC 625 Broadway Albany, NY  12233-3506 Here are ...

Oh where oh where have our replacement parks gone?

Monday, August 31st, 2009 Posted in Front Page News, UnBLOGlievable!, Yankee Stadium Redevelopment | Comments Off on Oh where oh where have our replacement parks gone?

Well folks, they are not where they should be.  If anyone thinks we are kidding, just go see for yourself.  This is simply a theft of services.  I do not know why they are building half a garage and half ...