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BCEQ 50 years helping nature

Saturday, June 27th, 2020 Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on BCEQ 50 years helping nature

The Bronx Council for Environmental Quality will celebrate 50 years of volunteering to help nature survive in our County.  We will list some of our programs and accomplishments here. Have an idea of what to say something?  Email

BCEQ comments NYC FY21 Executive Budget

Tuesday, May 19th, 2020 Posted in Calendared Items, Committees, Communications Committee Work, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Hudson River Watershed Projects, Jerome Park Reservoir, Living Ecological Green Infrastructure, nyc, NYC Parks Department, Parks Committee, Resiliency and Sustainability, Van Cortlandt Park, Water Committee | Comments Off on BCEQ comments NYC FY21 Executive Budget

Below are our comments on the Mayor's Budget for FY21 which begins this July. In summary, we comment on the Parks Department cuts to Maintenance and Operations and seasonal workers; the Environmental Protection cuts to cleaning around Jerome Park Reservoir, ...

Earth Day Today Presidents Blog

Sunday, May 3rd, 2020 Posted in Educational Environmentalists, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Greenversations, President's Blog, Project Green, Resiliency and Sustainability | Comments Off on Earth Day Today Presidents Blog

BCEQ Earth Day Week 2020 Because the Earth Needs More Than a Day—and We’re Home Anyway Bronx Council for Environmental Quality did not let COVID-19 defeat it.  Our all-volunteer organization held its Annual Conference—and then some.  Monday, April 22 was our kickoff ...

Environmental Education Awards 2020

Sunday, April 12th, 2020 Posted in Board Meetings, Education, Educational Environmentalists, Front Page News | Comments Off on Environmental Education Awards 2020

BCEQ EDUCATION COMMITTEE ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AWARDS NOMINATION FORM Each year, BCEQ holds its annual awards ceremony and barbecue. We hope to be able to meet in person but we are waiting to hear if that is possible. Meanwhile, the nominations have been extended ...

Earth Day 50 years later

Tuesday, April 7th, 2020 Posted in Front Page News, Green Infrastructure | Comments Off on Earth Day 50 years later

BCEQ Earth Week 2020: Because Our Planet Needs More Than a Day, and We’re Home Anyway BCEQ Earth Day Virtual Conference - 2020 April 20 to 24.  The 22nd is the real Earth Day. The 24th is Arbor Day. Monday 4.20.2020 - Earth ...

Jerome Park Reservoir gets its voice

Saturday, February 15th, 2020 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Jerome Park Reservoir, Projects | Comments Off on Jerome Park Reservoir gets its voice

This article explains it all.  It has the letter, the power point presentation and the press release. History of the JPR area (draft) The community that developed on the ridge around the Jerome Park Reservoir and Van Cortlandt Park should be thankful ...

Short Circuits for CSO Reduction

Friday, February 7th, 2020 Posted in climate changge, Communications Work, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, nyc, NYC Parks Department, Parks Committee, Water Committee | Comments Off on Short Circuits for CSO Reduction

Short Circuits are those areas of the City where the system just misses its role.  It is the things that fall through the cracks. This is a process in work. Click HERE TO OPEN THE POWER POINT Also see other stories from BCEQ's ...

Phase II Green Infrastructure and Short Circuits

Friday, February 7th, 2020 Posted in climate changge, Communications Committee Work, East Bronx Coastal Working Group, Fordham Landing, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Harlem River BOA, Harlem River Long Term Control Plan, Harlem River Working Group, Harlem River Yards Park Greenway, Hudson River Watershed Projects, Living Ecological Green Infrastructure, Low Impact Development, NYC Parks Department, Parks Committee, Pier 5 Pop Up Wetland - first of its kind, Projects, sustainable parks, Water Committee | Comments Off on Phase II Green Infrastructure and Short Circuits

Adapting Green Spaces to Capture Rain, Carbon, and the remaining untreated CSO volume Karen Argenti, February 2020

BCEQ Votes to Oppose 3 day Festival on Parade Grounds

Sunday, January 12th, 2020 Posted in Committees, Front Page News, nyc, NYC Parks Department, Parks Committee, Permits, Uncategorized, Van Cortlandt Park | Comments Off on BCEQ Votes to Oppose 3 day Festival on Parade Grounds

Recently we voted and then wrote BCEQ Letter Gov Ball 01.09.2020 The most serious impact of holding this large 3-day Festival in Van Cortlandt Park (VCP) is on the 46-acre Parade Ground (PG).  Even if everything goes as planned, it is not ...

Jerome Park Reservoir Send a Letter to FillTheReservoir

Saturday, January 11th, 2020 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Jerome Park Reservoir | Comments Off on Jerome Park Reservoir Send a Letter to FillTheReservoir

Check back often for updated messages to changing targets in the campaign to Keep the Water in Jerome Park Reservoir. Hon. Daniel Mackay Deputy Commissioner, NYS Division for Historic Preservation Peebles Island State Park P.O. Box 189 Waterford, NY 12188-0189 Dear Commissioner Mackay, Please reconsider the decision to ...

Jerome Park Reservoir Historic Preservation Documents

Friday, December 27th, 2019 Posted in Front Page News, Jerome Park Reservoir, Projects | Comments Off on Jerome Park Reservoir Historic Preservation Documents

Welcome to the The Historic Jerome Park Reservoir. Listed here is old documents that may be of interest when involved in the call to ACTION. THESE ARE REALLY BIG FILES. YOU HAVE TO DOWNLOAD, THEY WILL NOT OPEN.  The NYS Historic Preservation Office ...

NYC Parks Street Tree Map

Thursday, December 12th, 2019 Posted in Front Page News, sustainable parks | Comments Off on NYC Parks Street Tree Map

Here is a great find.  Have fun looking at your neighborhood and check out your trees. One more thing, here is a award given to the Parks Department in honor of the NYC Street Tree Map, with ecological benefits from stormwater ...

Save the Water in Jerome Park Reservoir’s North Basin

Tuesday, December 10th, 2019 Posted in CWTP, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Jerome Park Reservoir, Water Committee | Comments Off on Save the Water in Jerome Park Reservoir’s North Basin

[caption id="attachment_4558" align="alignleft" width="356"] The view from the Fort Independence Park of the North Basin of the JPR[/caption] Your help is Needed - Save the Water in Jerome Park Reservoir’s North Basin Recently the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) stated they intend ...

CSO LTCP Alternative comments December 2019

Wednesday, December 4th, 2019 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Harlem River Working Group, Hudson River Watershed Projects, Low Impact Development, Putnam Rail Trail, Van Cortlandt Park, Water Committee | Comments Off on CSO LTCP Alternative comments December 2019

We reviewed the alternative analysis, and sent in our comments. Bronx Council for Environmental Quality BCEQ-LTCP Comments to-DEP 12.02.2019 Bronx Community Board 8 Bronx CB8 LTCP Letter Van Cortlandt Park Alliance  VCPA Citywide LTCP Comments 2019  w/ attachment  Coalition for the Daylighting of ...

Appendix files from the SNAD DEIS

Sunday, September 15th, 2019 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Water Committee | Comments Off on Appendix files from the SNAD DEIS

Appendices A. SNAD Institutions – this is only presented as identifying a missing item in the DEIS. It may not be complete. A. SNAD Community Facilities B. SAMPLE Comparison of Zoning Amendments deleted and added and how it should be presented. This does ...

Fordham Landing Study 2019

Friday, September 13th, 2019 Posted in Fordham Landing, Harlem River Working Group, Projects | Comments Off on Fordham Landing Study 2019

The Bronx Council for Environmental Quality (BCEQ) is a 501c3 organization consisting of volunteers, no staff.  Founded in 1971, we are a Bronx wide group advocating for clean water, air and land.  Recently, we applied for a grant from the ...

BCEQ Comments to the DEIS for the SNAD SNRD 090919

Monday, September 9th, 2019 Posted in Communications Work, Educational Environmentalists, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Water Committee | Comments Off on BCEQ Comments to the DEIS for the SNAD SNRD 090919

Bronx Council for Environmental Quality comments to the generic Draft Environmental Impact Statement Special Natural Area District - SNAD NA-2 BCEQ comments on the SNAD DEIS 090919 Bronx Council for Environmental Quality APPENDIX DEIS - SNAD NA-2 BCEQ Appendiix DEIS SNAD NA2 090919 ...

Demand the NO ACTION option for SNAD

Tuesday, August 27th, 2019 Posted in Environmental Reviews, Front Page News, Green Infrastructure, Harlem River Working Group, Hudson River Watershed Projects, Living Ecological Green Infrastructure, Low Impact Development, NYC Parks Department, Project Green, Resiliency and Sustainability | Comments Off on Demand the NO ACTION option for SNAD

The Special Natural Areas District (SNAD) in the Bronx is being changed by City Planning. The proposed change would allow construction of impervious surfaces and lawns within buffers can impair buffer function by clearing trees, altering existing wetland hydrology, and increasing ...

NYC DEP CWTP Statement of Findings

Monday, July 22nd, 2019 Posted in CWTP, Environmental Reviews, Front Page News | Comments Off on NYC DEP CWTP Statement of Findings The statement of findings was on this page, but has now been removed. We are uploading this on the BCEQ page at:  crfindings

Help turn Fort Independence Park into a sponge REVISED

Monday, May 6th, 2019 Posted in Front Page News, Jerome Park Reservoir, Water Committee | Comments Off on Help turn Fort Independence Park into a sponge REVISED

Help turn Fort Independence Park into a sponge! Enter the Park into Sponge Contest at with your name, phone, & affiliation or if it is school project, your professor/teacher. Provide a short description of your ideas and the method of your presentation.  ...